Water Supply

Water Supply Scheme, Makhad Sharif

Makhad Sharif water supply scheme esteblished in Makhad Sharif under the management of AHWS. It started to provide clean drinking water in the locality. In view of the needs of local population, this scheme was established by Hazrat Maulana Ahmaduddin Chishti (Rahmatullah Alaihi) on humanitarian basis in 1947 (according to available historyinformation). When the scheme was established, the avaibale modern machinery the age was managed in self-help basis. With the passage of time, to get water, it was facilitaed from the Indus River, wells and then the modern bore system. Electricity facility was provided in the area in 1990 till then the motor of this water supply was driven by engine. After the establishment of AHWS, the management and control of this water supply was completely handed over to AHWS. This water supply still successfully delivering water. The local population of Makhad Sharif is supplied with free water from the supply-scheme. More than 500 houses benefiting from the scheme. In the history of this water supply scheme, in 2022, for the first time, the solar panel system was facilitated by the government. Due to which it helped to solve the problems of water supply and financial burden that arose from expensive electricity and load shedding. Three employees are working on this scheme. Salaries and all expenses are borne from the members’ monthly



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