Hazrat Maolana Hafiz Abid Jee Maharavi (RA):

Hazrat Maulana Hafiz Abid Jee Maharvi (RA) came from Mahar Sharif (present: Tehsil Chishtian Sharif District Bahawalnagar) to Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali Makhadi (RA) in Makhad Sharif for the sake of knowledge. Hazrat Hafiz Abid Jee Maharvi (RA) kept getting education in Islamic Sharia sciences as well as in esoteric/spiritual knowledge and values. After granting the allegiance and caliphate from Hazrat Maolana Makhadi (RA) he remained continue living with Hazrat Maolana Makhadi (RA). After the demise of Hazrat Maolana Makhadi (RA) on 29th of Ramadan1253 AH corrensponding to1837 AD, Hazrat Pir Pathan Khawaja Shah Suleman Taunsvi (RA) appointed him ‘Sajjada Nasheen’ (successor) of Hazrat Maolana Muhammad Ali Makhadi (RA). For 9 years, until the demise, Hazrat Maolana Khalifa Abid Jee Maharvi (RA) stayed at the monastery (Khanqah) of Hazrat Maolana Muhammad Ali Makhadi (RA) and kept teaching knowledge and practice. He carried forward the mission of His Mentor & Teacher Hazrat Maolana Makhadi (RA) successfuly. On 16 Jumadi-us-Sani 1262 AH corrensponding to 1846 AD, he passed away in Holy place of Taunsa Sharif. He was blessed with the good fortune that the funeral took place in Taunsa Sharif and by the order and permission of Hazrat Pir Pathan Shah Muhammad Suleman Tunsvi (RA) he was burried in the feet-side of Tomb of Hazrat Khawaja Gul Muhammad (RA), the eldest son of Hazarat Khawaja Shah Suleman Taunsvi (RA).
These are the brief facts about Hazrat Maolana Hafiz Abid Jee Maharvi (RA) that available in ​’​Tazkira-tul-Wali’. Apart from one or two incidents, detailed circumstances are not available in any descripted-information of Makhad Sharif about his personality.



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